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Covid-19 Update

We are still here to help with your debt and insolvency worries

As the lockdown eases and businesses start to look to re-open inevitably there are going to be those that find they cannot recommence trading or that they need advice on how to manage debt.

During the current COVID-19 crisis Campbell Crossley & Davis Insolvency Practitioners has continued to operate as a full team providing advice and assistance on insolvency matters. We are available to give both you and your clients help or advice with regards to businesses that may be experiencing financial problems or worries about personal financial difficulties. Please don’t hesitate to call us to talk things through on one of our direct contact numbers below.

All initial contact is completely free, confidential and without obligation, but the sooner contact is made the more options will be available.

During the current COVID-19 restrictions, we are continuing to work from home and office. If you need to contact us please call or email using the details below.

Main office number: 01253 349331

Ian: 07703 529212 /
Chris: 07825 002916 /
Francesca: 07540 109042 /

Please follow the link for our website: